Natalia Agafonova

Natalia Agafonova

Business coach and personal effectiveness expert


Expert in the field of personal effectiveness, business coach and consultant, specialist in team building.

26 years – total teaching experience. 198 scientific publications in Russian and European publications on problems of social and economic history and culture. 6 years as General Director of the educational center “Stone City”.

Basic education: Perm State Pedagogical University: Faculty of History.

Advanced training: Postgraduate studies at the Ural State University. Academic degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Competencies: Design of management decisions. Process-analysis of activities. Ready-made “Take and Do” models. Architecture of functional responsibilities and assignment of areas of responsibility. Development and conduct of interactive diagnostic trainings, business seminars and business trainings, consulting programs. Development and implementation of new models of personnel labor organization, optimization.

  • 自我-あなたの私を征服する


    「自我」という言葉はラテン語に由来し、「私」を意味します。 「自我」という用語は、ジークムント・フロイトによって造られました。彼は人間の精神を3つの異なるレベルの意識に分けました:id、ego、superego。