How to ask for a pay rise

5 min read
How to ask for a pay rise

If you do not have a proper understanding of all of the above factors, it will be extremely difficult for you to look at yourself from the outside objectively. It will also be difficult for a potential employer and the current boss, who must definitely see the validity of your claims.

In other words, the boss needs to clearly understand for what merits, indicators and results he should increase the employee’s salary.

A good tactic would be to ask for an expansion of your work profile, job functions and responsibilities, which, accordingly, will be accompanied by a salary increase. Therefore, before using this technique, decide on the desired salary, which you will begin to voice during a conversation (again, it should not be higher than the market one).

It is possible that the company will not want to make concessions to you. Then ask your boss to do the same as in the previous paragraph, with only one “but”. Say that he can give you a trial period, and during this period to pay the usual salary, despite the increased range of responsibilities. Subsequently, when he is convinced of the effectiveness of your work at a new level, the salary will be increased. Such a dialogue for the boss will outline the range of your capabilities, competence, the direction in which you are striving to progress, motivation, and will be of great help in this matter.

The main thing is to find a common language with the boss

In many cases, the boss himself is well aware that the salary level of his subordinates is insufficient, but he, of course, will not solve all their financial problems. Therefore, when “bargaining” with him, you should always remember that the company in his person also wants to have some definite advantages from this. After all, why would she then make concessions to you?

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Of great importance is the character of your boss, his temperament, style of work. To decide on negotiations about a salary increase, analyze these terms. Being a quick-tempered and explosive person, having heard about such a daring request, he can easily give your position to someone else. Therefore, approach from afar and start a conversation with a proposal to expand the scope of duties in your position. Such a move will help strengthen your position in the firm, making it easier to talk about the bonus again in the future.

Good ground for negotiations also comes at a time of global change in the company, especially when it needs certain services that you are able to professionally provide. You should not wait for the employer to hire someone from the street for a higher paying position. Offer him your candidacy.

Be professional

It is possible that instead of a specific answer to your request, the boss began to mutter something incoherent about difficult times for the company, etc. In this case, do not rush to hasty conclusions, because it can be:

  • caught off guard by this conversation;
  • confirmed that you are right, but does not want to show it;
  • is unable to help you at the moment.

However, after some time, still ask the boss to voice the exact answer. If there were no specifics, and instead you heard something like “wait and see” or “we’ll discuss later”, then most likely you failed.

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Remember that usually the employer is the more experienced negotiator. Therefore, do not start a dialogue with all seriousness and formality, hesitantly moving on to some numbers and statistics. An experienced boss will quickly go on the offensive, and, believe me, over time you will forget the original purpose of your visit.

Always try to be professional. For the authorities, this is the main criterion for your qualifications and dignity. And in no case do not resort to tears and pleas for help. If you’re in debt or credit, don’t mention it. The company absolutely does not care about your personal financial problems. Do not demand the same salary as a novice colleague, do not consider yourself irreplaceable. Self-confidence and threats to leave if the salary remains the same can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

The wardrobe should correspond to the income that you are counting on, and it doesn’t matter that you don’t have it yet, and your behavior should speak exclusively of high qualifications. These two factors have a big impact on your rating from management.

Strong arguments are the key to success

You will have to prove your worth not only with words, but also with numbers, results, statistics. That’s why it’s important to have an accurate and truthful understanding of the value of your services and skills, not only in the general market, but also within the company. Analyze all this information, find out the average price for the work you do.
If you are afraid to forget the data – write it down and take it with you to the meeting. You can make a copy of them, and think about how to leave it to your boss.

Talking in a meeting about your responsibility and dedication to work usually does not bring the expected result – you may also be offered various intangible bonuses, such as respect in the team and challenging assignments. You must make it clear that you are working for the good of the common cause, and not for yourself, and a salary increase will add even more enthusiasm to your work, motivation and confidence.

Ready for failure

For various reasons, the conversation may not bring the desired effect. And, even if you convinced the boss, the final verdict does not always depend on him. Therefore, accept defeat with dignity, and if you openly and honestly had a dialogue, setting a “lower limit”, then you know how to proceed.

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If the refusal was due to the fact that the company is not satisfied with your professionalism or the results of the work, find out how it can be brought to a new qualitative level, along with the salary, of course. Write down the details and nuances of the negotiations so that in the future the boss does not forget about them.

Possible alternatives

If the dialogue does not go according to your scenario, ask your boss about plans for the future. You may be offered a salary review at the end of a certain period of work, a bonus or other additional benefits, such as flexible working hours, increased vacation time, tuition fees, etc.

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