How to become a charismatic person

4 min read
How to become a charismatic person

Charisma is not a natural quality, it is an acquired skill. At first it was designated as a special gift, given not to everyone. Later, the judgment of charisma changed towards a set of certain characteristics that allow you to influence other people.

Individuals with developed charisma freely establish emotional contacts. They are able to change the statements of opponents, to direct the actions of the interlocutors to the realization of their expectations. These are leadership qualities that allow you to control the crowd, to lead it, and with absolute consent. A useful quality to get what you want in any industry, from junior clerk to executive.

For example, charismatic doctors have more grateful patients, teachers have more interested students, “salespeople” have overfulfillment of the plan, and politicians have more success in their careers. The important news is that anyone can possess this ability if it is developed.

An experiment was conducted where only 1.5 months of work strengthened this trait among the participants – the narration became bright and lively, and their public performances became more interesting and attractive. Everyone has basic properties, but in order to start working on them, you need to know what they are talking about.

The ability to interact with emotions

Emotions motivate, influence behavior, generate feelings and attachments. The ability to recognize the emotional mood, both one’s own and the external environment, understand the messages and manage them, taking into account the situation, is the most important quality of charisma. It is called “emotional intelligence”.

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Empathic people know how to empathize with others. They know how to “catch the wave” of emotions, create a “subtle” connection with the interlocutor and induce affection.


This is a speech construction skill that helps to interest and convince the audience. Verbal tools:

  • Metaphors are easy to understand, emotionally charged, help to remember information.
  • Jokes, stories – bring brightness and liveliness to the presentation of the material, bring them closer to the audience.
  • Moral principles – fill speech with meaning, arouse the respect of the public.
  • Empathy is empathy that evokes an emotional disposition.
  • Contrapositions – focus on what was said.
  • Philosophical questions – provoke people to engage in a story by creating a projection of expectation.

Non-verbal tools: body position, intonation, gestures, facial expressions – will turn a verbal description into an interesting and exciting one.

Confidence in your words, actions, deeds, thoughts

The masses of the people are controlled by those who know where they are going, what they are striving for, who can help overcome the uncertainty and timidity of the followers. This component of the human personality is admirable, opens any door.

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Charismatic test

Assessing the indicator of charisma is not easy, it has no clear boundaries, the reading takes place on an emotional level. Psychologists have developed a 13-sentence test that allows you to analyze the emotionality of an object. The developers came to the conclusion that high rates indicate a potential celebrity and the success of the test person in education, medicine, politics, and acting. To pass the test, it is necessary to give a score from 1 to 9 to each statement, where 1 is “it’s definitely not me”, 9 is “it’s definitely me”. Then add up the scores.

  • I feel like dancing when I hear good music.
  • I’m laughing out loud and merrily.
  • I get emotional easily on the phone.
  • I often touch the interlocutor during the dialogue.
  • I like it when many people stare at me.
  • My facial expressions are alive.
  • I have repeatedly heard that I have good acting skills.
  • I love being different from the masses.
  • I don’t hang out in front of strangers.
  • If desired, I can make a seductive look.
  • I am a strong opponent in games where you have to parody.
  • At small parties, I attract everyone’s attention.
  • To express my sympathy, I touch a person, I can hug.

The average range, typical for most of the population, is from 56 to 86. The higher the total score, the more charismatic the test person is. But even if the amount turned out to be below 56, with hard work on yourself, you can increase your charm.

How to increase charisma

  1. To develop empathy is to work on emotions, learn to understand their cause, manage them. You should learn to listen to others, empathize, determining the true nature of the feelings that have arisen.
  2. To comprehend the art of oratory – to add tales, jokes, stories, examples to the conversation, enliven the narrative with gestures and facial expressions. Many are at first embarrassed to express their emotions in this way, afraid to look stupid. But when viewed from the side (for example, by making a video), you can make sure that it looks natural and attractive. Also, with the help of video recording, you can detect errors and fix them.
  3. Build self-confidence. If a person does not feel it, this does not mean that he cannot imitate it.
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Regarding the position of the body, studies prove that the posture of the individual, as if he is trying to occupy the entire surrounding space, changes his internal vector. The reversal is used to generate strength and superiority, stress resistance increases. Moreover, pretending at first, later, the person begins to feel it.

Thus, by applying these recommendations in practice, anyone can improve charisma, regardless of the state of the original qualities.

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