Нow to improve memory – let’s talk about the 5 pillars

5 min read
Нow to improve memory – let’s talk about the 5 pillars
Picture: Faithiecannoise | Dreamstime

Is thinking possible in the complete absence of memory? The question is interesting. If there is no memory, there is no place to register experience, without which thinking is impossible – since thinking relies, among other things, on experience.

By nature, people are not equal in ability, and this is known. Someone has better developed certain qualities, someone else. It can also be determined by a healthy lifestyle. Exactly the same situation with the development of memory. For some, she is gorgeous from birth, and someone forgets which bus to take to get home.

Even if the memory does not affect anything from birth, memory development can be performed at any age. Of course, at a younger age, things will go faster. But on the side of maturity is life experience and various skills of systematizing and organizing important information, which are the basis of memorization and attention management.

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For some, memory is a gift from God. It costs nothing to memorize a telephone directory and reproduce it without errors in ten years. But there are few such people. And even they have to, in order to keep themselves in shape, perform certain training for the development of memory and attention. Because without use, any gift quickly becomes dull and becomes useless.

Remarkable memory is at the heart of the most important human abilities. Such as clear thinking. This is the ease of access and handling the information you need at the moment. And, therefore, faster adoption of the most optimal decision.
Нow to improve memory
Picture: Iuliia Belova | Dreamstime

Each student recognizes that if he masters the methodology for developing memory and attention, it will become much easier to study “excellently”. After all, there will be no need to “cram” at night – the information will be remembered from the first reading or listening to a lecture. The result of a developed ability to memorize new things will be not only the best marks. Also expand the scope of vital interests. It will become much easier to learn, learn new and necessary, which will make it easier to win in sometimes difficult competition, take a more worthy position or get the opportunity to earn many times more.

The daily development of memory and attention will give dividends the ability to operate with a much larger amount of information.

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New tactics and strategies will become easier to come up with. Or adapt, slightly adapting to a specific situation, widely known ones that competitors with a “shorter” memory simply forgot about.

As a result of purposeful development of memory and attention, the skill of not just “mechanical” memorization of huge information arrays appears. But the ability to more fully assimilate and process them, bringing them into a form in which they will give the most effective result. That is, linking the new with the already known, discarding outdated information, replacing them with more relevant ones.

With a developed memory, you will not need the help of a diary or a laptop computer. The entire business schedule of important scheduled meetings will be in memory and will be available at any moment.

The development of memory gives such an undeniable ability as a better memorization of the faces and names of numerous business partners. In some areas – for example, in operational-search work – a developed ability to memorize is simply an indispensable skill.

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Developed memory will allow you to feel much more confident while speaking in front of an audience. Since excitement and feelings are able at a particularly crucial moment to create a situation in which a well-known text seems to have completely disappeared from the head. If the memory is developed, this will never happen to you.

It seems that there are quite enough arguments for the development of memory and attention. It remains only to get together and follow a number of recommendations every day that allow you to preserve and develop memory at any age.

Vitamins and minerals

First of all, the brain needs useful minerals and vitamins. Of course, pills alone will not improve memory. But even without proper nutrition, the development of memory and attention is impossible. Memory is strengthened under the action of B vitamins (B1-B6, B9, B12). Useful buckwheat, millet and legumes. Nuts, milk and chicken broth are shown.

Нow to improve memory
Picture: VectorMine | Dreamstime

Memory development is impossible without sufficient intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the so-called “omega-3” and “omega-6”

That is, it is necessary to include fish oil and oily fish in the diet more often.

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When compiling a menu with the aim of developing memory and attention, it must be taken into account that after heat treatment, some of the vitamins are destroyed. Natural food – raw cabbage, carrots, apples and other fruits – helps to fill the vitamin deficiency.

Physical exercise

In addition to reading various literature, without which the development of memory is simply impossible, it is important to play sports.

At least make it a rule to do morning exercises. Because during exercise, blood flow increases and the brain is more intensively released from accumulated toxins. Which increases the clarity of thought.

Putting thoughts on paper

If you take up writing, it also develops memory.

Нow to improve memory
Picture: Faithiecannoise | Dreamstime

Since easy writing of complex and not very texts is impossible without a developed active written vocabulary. That is, using memory, where this dictionary will be located. As a result, thinking will become more precise and concise. The language will improve, the development of memory and attention will go at a faster pace.

Fresh air

The development of memory is facilitated by walking in the fresh air.

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The blood supply to the brain increases, and the blood is enriched with oxygen. Thinking proceeds more intensively, using ever wider layers of memory. And, therefore, mental work also proceeds more efficiently.

Get rid of bad habits

Various bad habits interfere with the development of memory and attention. That is smoking and drinking. What kind of development of memory can we talk about when the body is busy every day eliminating the consequences of bad habits?

It seems that the listed simple recommendations will help at least a little to improve health, develop memory and attention.

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