How to overcome fear and not panic

9 min read
How to overcome fear and not panic
Picture: Sean824 |

People are not robots, and therefore any emotions accompany us constantly. Anxiety, excitement, anxiety, turning into panic and fear.

Fear is a negative emotion that arises against the background of fear for one’s life and health, as well as for the life of loved ones. According to psychologists, fear is the strongest feeling that a person can experience.

Sometimes fear can help us and even save us from rash acts. A reckless person who never feels fear is socially dangerous, he is capable of the most unpredictable actions, without thinking about the consequences.

But fear can also be a huge obstacle to your dreams and happiness. A person who constantly experiences anxiety, worry and fear can never succeed. In addition, many people experience causeless anxiety, fear, turning into panic horror from completely ordinary situations and objects.

Phobias or nyctophobia, or obsessive fears occur in almost every person. What distinguishes them from ordinary fears is the inexplicability of manifestations. And if a person understands with his mind that it is stupid to be afraid of darkness, or heights, or enclosed space, then he cannot do anything with his mental state.

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There are thousands of such phobias in the world. With some of them, a person breaks up even in childhood, others accompany him all his life. The most common are claustrophobia (fear of closed space), agoraphobia (fear of open space), social phobia (fear of society), thanatophobia (fear of death).

It is impossible to explain the appearance of fears by some general reasons; each individual case must be considered separately by specialists. But very often such fears interfere with living, enjoying and enjoying life, a person is sandwiched between his problems, as in a prison cell. Therefore, it is worth talking about how to learn to cope and manage your fears!

Signs of a panic attack

Attacks of a phobia can be sudden and beyond the will of a person. They interfere with life and create many problems. A person is afraid of communication, or going out into open space, or, conversely, being in a closed space, etc.

How to overcome fear
Picture: Keatanan Viya |

Naturally, everyone suffering from phobias knows his sore spot and tries not to get into a situation that provokes the onset of a panic attack. But sometimes life itself models some traps for us, and then a panic attack can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Weakness, sweating and numbness.
  • Throat spasm and choking.
  • Dizziness.
  • The urge to vomit.
  • Chaos in the head.
  • Inability to control your emotions.
  • Inappropriate behavior, up to fainting.

If you notice at least three or four signs in yourself in some cases, then you can be diagnosed with nyctophobia.

People suffering from obsessive fears realize that in reality nothing threatens them in this situation. But they cannot cope with their emotions and body reactions to a simulated situation. This state is all the more painful because it can overtake a person at any moment, spurring him on any, sometimes completely insane actions. And yet, how to overcome fear?

Is it possible to get rid of phobias?

Only a specialist can reveal the cause of fear, and only strictly individually. These reasons lie somewhere in the deep consciousness of a person, and sometimes in his genetic memory. Sometimes psychoanalysis conducted by a qualified specialist helps to understand the causes of fears.

But is it possible to cope with your fear on your own? And if so, how to overcome fear, what can be done to win? It is believed that yes.

To do this, you need to change your lifestyle in such a way as to avoid situations of a panic attack. For example, avoiding dark, closed rooms or finding a job near the house to avoid open space, etc. Of course, in this case we will not completely get rid of our phobia, but at least we will create tolerable living conditions for ourselves.

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Do not try to conquer your fear once and for all, this will only lead to the creation of new problems. Therefore, it is better to start by practicing the technique of postponing anxiety and setting your own time for anxiety. How to get rid of fear with this technique? It should be remembered that this technique should be practiced every day. It is necessary to determine two time intervals in a day for exercise.

For 10 minutes, we consciously direct our thoughts to consider our fear. We analyze all the negative moments and do not allow a single bright glimpse into our thoughts. You can talk about your problem out loud, you can repeat it like a spell without trying to fight fear. After ten minutes, we exhale strongly and let go of our panic along with the air.

The technique seems paradoxical only at first glance. Its basis is that we inflate the negative to the maximum. To solve the question of how to get rid of fear, we need to experience a very strong panic attack. We should not at this time try to convince ourselves of the groundlessness of our phobias. On the contrary, we mentally tell ourselves that our worries are not in vain.

There is a real danger. And in this case, after a while, we completely stop worrying. But at the same time, we still continue to talk about our fear. This state must be artificially maintained for all 10 minutes, otherwise the struggle with how to overcome fear will come to naught.

How to overcome fear
Picture: Lightfieldstudiosprod | Dreamstime

Psychologists explain this phenomenon quite simply. We believe that you can worry for a long time, but this is an erroneous opinion. Our psyche is designed in such a way that we can withstand a panic attack for a fairly short time, and then the defense mechanisms of the brain will turn on and our state will become stable.

But in order to overcome your fear, you should remember that it will only go away for a short time, and then the attack will resume. But if you try to focus on your fear at the same time every day, creating an artificially provocative situation, then anxiety will decrease.

There are several other ways to get rid of your fears quite effectively.

Ways to deal with your fears

Preparatory technique

Absolutely nothing to worry about, we will not succeed, and we do not need to. Our goal is to overcome our obsessive fear. Fear itself is not the problem, the problem is our inadequate response to it. Therefore, in order to get rid of our fears, we should change our view of them.

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To do this, you first need to imagine an event that causes panic horror, restraining your emotions in every possible way, and then mentally look at it from the side and admit to ourselves what exactly we are afraid of. No need to subject your feelings to analysis, just put yourself in front of the fact. And after that, you can already begin to perform actions that will help change the feelings and emotions caused by fear. What are these actions and how to get rid of fear with their help?

Write down your problems

To carry out this technique, you need to carry a notebook and pencil with you in the morning. Throughout the day, you write down everything that causes you to get unreasonable anxiety and anxiety. This should be done immediately, anxiety arose and until the moment when it left you. You don’t need to retell what’s going on in your head, you don’t need to analyze, you shouldn’t make any logical calculations, just mechanically write down all the images and word forms that arise in your mind.

How to get rid of fear with this technique? We carry out this procedure constantly. At the same time, according to psychologists, fears get a clear outline, become material and mundane, simple and meaningless.

How to overcome fear
Picture: Andreykuzmin | Dreamstime

Of course, over time, the constant need to write everything down will get tired, prescribing the same phrases will become a tedious duty, boring and meaningless, but fears will turn from a phobia into a boring habit that you want to get rid of as soon as possible.

Sing your fear

This method is that we sing our fears. We sing them with exactly the words that arise in our head. For example, if you are afraid of the dark, you sing: “I am afraid of this terrible darkness. She suffocates me. I don’t see anything, I don’t understand anything, darkness surrounds me from all sides, etc.”

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It may sound silly and ridiculous at first glance, but this technique is very effective. If we sing, then physically and psychologically we cannot be in a stressful state. The very meaning of the words that we sing is not important, it is important to keep the melody for a few minutes.

Changing images

Sometimes we cannot speak our fears, we perceive them as certain images and pictures in our heads. How to get rid of fear in this case? To do this, you just need to change the picture to a similar situation, but in opposite circumstances.

For example, if we are afraid of a closed space, we imagine ourselves in a field or a meadow, if it is dark, then in the sun, on a beach in the bright light of the day, if we are afraid of death, then we see ourselves healthy and young, etc. It is good to imagine your fear in the form of what -any image: wind, cloud, kite and send it somewhere far, far away. The main thing is that these images are pleasant to you.

Let’s face our fears

You can overcome fear only by trying to face it face to face and win. You cannot solve the problem by sitting at home and doing nothing. It takes perseverance and willpower to fight. Let the first step in the struggle with yourself be small and uncertain, but the longest road begins with the first step. Remember that being afraid is not a shame, it is a shame not to fight your fear. Remember that only you yourself can solve the problem, the main thing is to want it!

Overcoming yourself

You need to be aware of what is at the root of your fear. Sometimes people are afraid of the consequences of their actions and therefore cannot act freely. This problem can also be solved quite simply. Take a blank sheet of paper and try to write down all the consequences of your actions.

When everything is put on paper, it becomes clear that nothing terrible will happen, everything can be fixed even if something goes wrong. Therefore, every day you need to try to overcome yourself and force yourself to do what you are afraid of. Only in this way can one develop willpower and achieve something in this life.

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The proposed techniques will not help the first time, in order to get a positive result, you need to systematically work on yourself for a long time. After the fear subsides, you need to apply some kind of calming technique and switch your attention to something ordinary and everyday.

Even in ancient times, the sages said that the most difficult thing in the world is to know yourself. But we have absolute power only over ourselves. Each person creates himself, and if our life is a blank slate, then we write on it only what we ourselves want. Our fears are black spots on this white sheet of paper. So why should we spoil it with blackness?
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