Ratmir Belov

Ratmir Belov


I am an engineer by education and a journalist by vocation. Interests: world economy, business, society, new technologies. I read the news for breakfast, write articles for lunch, and don’t watch TV for dinner.

I am an experienced journalist and writer with 20 years of experience. I worked for major world-famous publications. I am always open to new opportunities and will gladly share my experience and knowledge.

  • Dysphoria is a phenomenon of extreme depression

    Dysphoria is a phenomenon of extreme depression

    Dysphoria is a state of extreme depression that is one of the many causes of negative well-being. There are two types according to the severity of the disease - mild and severe.
    4 min read
  • 13 virtues according to Franklin

    13 virtues according to Franklin

    The name Benjamin Franklin is known to many. But if someone hasn't heard him, they've probably seen the picture of this man on the hundred dollar bill.
    4 min read
  • Margin and marginality: let’s look at examples

    Margin and marginality: let’s look at examples

    Margin is the increase in the price of a product at a certain stage of its movement on the market. It can be measured in monetary units or as a percentage of the total cost. The word "margin" has a foreign origin - it is the English word Margin (margin, stock) and the French Marge (difference).
    3 min read
  • Cloud gaming – cutting edge technology on the gaming front

    Cloud gaming – cutting edge technology on the gaming front

    The cloud gaming market is valued at $585 billion, up from $140 billion in 2019, with the COVID-19 pandemic being the main reason for this growth, as many of those who were forced to stay at home have decided to turn their attention to cloud gaming services.
    4 min read
  • Sociopath – walking over the heads to his goal

    Sociopath – walking over the heads to his goal

    A sociopath is a person who does not ignore anyone, but ignores the norms and customs of the culture or environment, does not take into account the feelings of others, manipulates people and does not feel guilty at all .
    7 min read
  • Theory of Relativity – Einstein’s genius

    Theory of Relativity – Einstein’s genius

    For Einstein, the description of the functioning of the world, provided by the then physics, was not enough. He asked "why?" and so long he searched for answers until a model arose in his mind to explain the laws of nature. So he created the theory of relativity - a scientific hypothesis that cannot be understood without letting your imagination run wild.
    7 min read
  • Albert Einstein: biography of a man ahead of his time

    Albert Einstein: biography of a man ahead of his time

    Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany, to a poor Jewish family. Even at school, he showed a penchant for mathematics and physics; to a certain extent, his scientific growth was helped by life circumstances - his father began to trade in electrical equipment, prominent scientists of that time taught in educational institutions in Germany and Switzerland, where Einstein was educated.
    4 min read
  • VPN – a network invented by hackers

    VPN – a network invented by hackers

    VPN (Virtual Private Net) is a virtual private network. In fact, it consists of a user device (smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC) and a remote server. And the connection between them is provided by a special application.
    5 min read
  • Stoicism is the orchard of philosophy

    Stoicism is the orchard of philosophy

    Stoicism has been compared to an orchard, where the logic that provides protection corresponds to the fence, and physics and ethics represent the tree and the fruit, respectively.
    5 min read
  • Pablo Escobar: biography of the legendary drug lord

    Pablo Escobar: biography of the legendary drug lord

    On December 1st, 1949, the richest billionaire criminal in history, Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, was born. The name of this legend of the criminal world has long been strongly associated with narcotic substances, mainly cocaine.
    3 min read
  • Caesar’s cipher on guard of IT security

    Caesar’s cipher on guard of IT security

    Caesar cipher is a monoalphabetic encoding, which is a type of wildcard cipher that differs from other encoding systems in that in the plaintext each letter is replaced by another, taken from the alphabet and shifted for a certain number of positions.
    6 min read