Carnitine is a natural substance related to B vitamins

4 min read
Carnitine is a natural substance related to B vitamins
Picture: Aquarius83men | Dreamstime

A substance called carnitine is found in many cells in the human body. When adipose tissue is broken down, energy is generated, in this process it plays a key role.

L-carnitine is used as a weight loss agent in combination with a balanced diet and sports activities, it is in demand among athletes. L-carnitine has many different effects on adipose tissue (and not only), which will be discussed below.


The synthesis of carnitine in the body is carried out mainly in the liver and kidneys, and then enters other tissues. Most of it is found in skeletal and cardiac muscles.

Only 25% of the daily norm of the substance is synthesized in the cells, the other part of it comes from food, mainly from protein. But this amount is often not enough to provide the body with energy to the full, especially with such a frantic pace of life of a modern person.

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To maintain the functioning of the body at the proper level, supplements with l-carnitine are used. The excess is excreted by the kidneys and intestines, it has no cumulative effect beyond measure. An insufficient amount of this substance negatively affects the metabolic processes of the body, which over time can lead to obesity, cardiovascular and other pathologies.

Benefits of Carnitine

L-carnitine is responsible for many functions:

  • L-Carnitine is designed to stimulate the active production of energy needed to support mental and physical activity. It provides the transport of fatty acids from the depot to the muscles, while lipids play the role of fuel in the synthesis of ATP. Being a universal source of energy, it can be consumed by any cells of the body. The role of carnitine in this process is enormous, because without its participation, fatty acids cannot enter the mitochondria of cells for their processing into energy. Due to this property, L-carnitine is used as a fat burner, but this is still a controversial issue.
  • Stamina increases. This is not only due to an increase in ATP production: the speed of metabolic processes in muscle tissue changes, as a result of which performance and endurance increase, a person can perform more work.
  • Muscles recover faster after exercise due to accelerated excretion of lactic acid. Athletes on the background of taking the supplement note the relief of pain after exhausting workouts.
  • Antioxidant effect – due to the participation of carnitine in the binding of free radicals. It also stabilizes the cell membrane, protects the endothelium of the vascular wall. These effects justify its use in certain liver disorders.
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L-carnitine also improves cognitive functions. Intellectual loads become easier for a person, the memorization process goes faster, so students often take supplements with l-carnitine before important exams. After stopping the use of the supplement, a lasting effect is observed.

The numerous positive effects of l-carnitine suggest that it can be taken for a variety of therapeutic ailments, and not just as a weight loss aid.

What foods contain carnitine

This substance is not only synthesized in the body, it can be supplied with food.

Of all foods, the largest amount of L-carnitine is found in red meat: it is beef, pork, lamb. During heat treatment, its amount decreases, so most often athletes use additional sources of its production.

Picture: Eugeniusz Dudzinski | Dreamstime

Carnitine in the body is synthesized from protein, so to obtain the required norm of L-carnitine, preference should be given to high-protein foods: cottage cheese, cod, egg whites, and most importantly, red meat.


An overdose of the substance is observed very rarely, since it is quickly excreted from the body. Signs of an excess of L-carnitine can be nausea, stool disorders, tachycardia, and convulsions.

Women note menstrual irregularities in themselves – at the same time, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist for a detailed clarification of the cause of the failure, since this condition may be due to weight loss when taking L-carnitine.

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In some works of scientists, it was recorded that L-carnitine contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, a by-product is formed – trimethylamine nitric oxide, which negatively affects cholesterol metabolism, which is the main cause of atherosclerosis.

Carnitine reviews

L-carnitine has a lot of positive reviews on the network, only occasionally there are people who did not see the result at all, or some adverse reactions occurred. The result does not come quickly, but it is more long-term. At the same time, the quality of the body becomes better: it is the adipose tissue that leaves, and the muscles remain in place.

The greatest efficiency is noted during training: working capacity increases while taking L-carnitine, the pulse is kept at acceptable values. After sports training, muscles recover much faster.

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