Coffee – features of a drink with a thousand-year history

17 min read
Coffee – features of a drink with a thousand-year history

Coffee is so loved and revered that few people think about how it affects the body. Scientists still cannot come to a consensus and give a specific answer about the dangers and benefits of coffee for health.


Chemical composition of natural coffee beans

The composition of coffee beans is very complex. It is influenced by many factors:

  • climate;
  • soil;
  • sort;
  • harvested storage conditions.

Some sources claim that raw grains contain about 800 substances, while roasted grains contain over a thousand.

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And yet the basic composition remains unchanged. It can only vary in percentage terms.

  • Proteins. There are not very many of them – only 9-10%, the main one is amino nitrogen, which is part of many amino acids.
  • Carbohydrates. Make up 50-60%. Mostly it is sucrose and cellulose. In addition to them, there is also lignin, high-molecular polysaccharides (fiber, arabinogalactan), reducing saccharides (fructose and glucose) and pectin carbohydrates.
  • Caffeine. The substance belongs to the purine alkaloids. It gives the drink a bitter taste, the severity of which depends on the amount of this substance. Its amount in coffee depends on the variety. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increases heart rate and blood pressure. It also constricts blood vessels in all organs, except for the kidneys, which, against the background of improved blood supply, begin to work more actively. That is why after drinking a cup of coffee, after about half an hour, many want to go to the restroom.
  • Tannin. A water-soluble polyphenol. Has astringent properties. After the beans are roasted, most of this substance breaks down, due to which the drink acquires a characteristic taste and aroma.
  • Theobromineandtheophylline. Alkaloids, caffeine antagonists. They have diuretic properties and dilate blood vessels in the body, thereby lowering blood pressure.
  • Chlorogenic acids (quinic, cinnamon, ferulic, coffee). Stimulates the work of the pancreas and the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, E), macro- and microelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and copper).

Chemical composition of instant coffee

The basis of the powder is proteins and carbohydrates. However, the composition is fundamentally different. Almost all manufacturers add flavors, flavor enhancers and other synthetic compounds. The exception is organic instant coffee, which is produced by drying the coffee extract. In it, the proportion of natural components is slightly higher.

That’s interesting! Often a cup of instant coffee does not invigorate, but, on the contrary, lulls you to sleep. The thing is that the powder from which the drink is prepared contains little caffeine, but at the same time it is rich in theobromine. The reason is very simple: instant coffee is made from the inner shell of the coffee bean, which contains this substance. And there is practically no caffeine in it.

Benefits of coffee

Someone loves exclusively coffee from freshly ground beans, another will never change their favorite brand of instant powder, and others prefer to add additional ingredients to the drink. How does all this affect health?

Natural black coffee


  • Natural coffee beans tones and stimulates the nervous system, which in turn increases efficiency and resistance to stress.
  • This drink also produces enough serotonin and dopamine in the body, which improves mood and helps get rid of depression.
  • Chlorogenic acid and trigonelline, although contained in small concentrations, are able to optimize carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, they prevent weight gain.
  • It has a positive effect on the absorption of glucose, and thus reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Naturally, we are talking about the reasonable consumption of a drink with a small amount of sugar.
  • Hypotension can drink brewed coffee, as it increases blood pressure. But if the drink provokes severe tachycardia, then you should still refrain from drinking it.
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Natural unfiltered coffee contains diterpene cafestol. This substance affects the body in two ways. On the one hand, it helps to increase blood cholesterol, on the other hand, it helps slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

That’s interesting! Natural coffee reduces the activity of microorganisms in the oral cavity, thereby preventing the development of caries. But there is one condition – the drink must be sugar-free.


  • Excessive consumption of it can lead to “caffeine” addiction. In the event of a sharp refusal of a drink, a person becomes drowsy, lethargic, irritable.
  • It is not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach. The acids contained in it irritate the mucous membrane, and if there are problems with the digestive system, then heartburn and abdominal pain can be provoked.

Green coffee

Green coffee is a “semi-finished product” of regular black coffee. It’s just that the grains were not fried or subjected to other heat treatment. Thanks to this, coffee retains the maximum amount of useful substances, including antioxidants and vitamins.

That’s interesting! Green coffee can be roasted at home. And at the same time achieve the desired taste and aroma, the intensity of which is influenced precisely by the duration of the heat treatment.


One of the main benefits of green coffee is its ability to suppress appetite and dull hunger. At the same time, it speeds up metabolic processes, as a result of which fat deposits are burned faster.


  • Excessive consumption of green coffee, like black coffee, can cause a “caffeine” addiction and cause exhaustion of the nervous system, which is constantly in an excited state.
  • The drink contributes to the “washout” of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and some B vitamins. And this, in turn, is fraught with problems with teeth, fragility of bone tissue, as well as the development of osteochondrosis and its consequences – chronic back pain and circulatory disorders brain.

Instant coffee: granulated, powdered and sublimated

This product cannot be called natural even with a stretch. In the production process, raw materials are subjected to many hours of digestion, pressure and even freezing.

Under such conditions, almost all useful substances are destroyed, and essential oils evaporate. Therefore, in order to imitate the taste and smell, a huge amount of synthetic additives are added to instant coffee – preservatives, flavors, taste stabilizers and other “chemistry”, which is definitely not good for the body.

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Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert

Moreover, on the one hand, such components can provoke an allergic reaction, on the other hand, they can cause a kind of addiction if they are rich in flavor enhancers. And in the worst case, to show carcinogenic properties.

And yet, he has one doubtful property in relation to usefulness. Due to the theobromine content, instant coffee – freeze-dried, granulated or powdered – no matter what, you can drink at night. Just sleep will be stronger.

Coffee 3 in 1

A type of instant drink. The benefits and harms of 3 in 1 coffee have long been a topic of controversy, but just look at its composition to make it clear even to ordinary people. The sachet contains:

  • instant coffee (only about 13-15%);
  • cream of vegetable origin (coconut or palm oil);
  • sugar;
  • sweeteners;
  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • flavors;
  • emulsifiers and other “chemistry”;
  • imitators of any taste “identical to natural” (walnut, caramel, vanilla, rum, etc.).


It is difficult to call such a drink useful. But in small quantities, coffee will not cause significant harm to the human body. Another thing is if you use it regularly and several times during the day.


A high percentage of fatty acids (trans fats), palm oil, a huge amount of sugar and a lot of chemical additives – this is what can negatively affect health in the first place.

Caffeine-free coffee (decaf)

Absolutely no caffeine in coffee is impossible to achieve. In any case, it will be present there, only in a minimal concentration.


This drink is suitable for those who cannot imagine their life without coffee, but do not tolerate caffeine. In addition, decaf promotes better absorption of glucose and stimulates the digestive system.


  • Increases the level of free fatty acids, which are subsequently converted into cholesterol.
  • In women, decaf slightly impairs iron absorption. But for men, on the contrary, it helps, serving as a prophylactic against gout and prostatitis.

Coffee substitutes

This is a large group of food products of plant origin. Such drinks do not contain caffeine and only imitate the taste of natural coffee beans.

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Raw materials can be:

  • roasted cereal grains (malted barley, rye, rice, corn, wheat);
  • plant roots (dandelion, chicory, couch grass);
  • legumes (chickpeas, soybeans, peas, lentils);
  • nuts (hazel, almonds, peanuts) and many others.

Barley coffee

These are roasted and ground grains of malted barley. Unlike natural coffee, the drink calms and helps restore the nervous system.



  • Normalizes hormonal levels, stimulates digestion and cleanses the body of toxins.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Stabilizes the water-salt balance.
  • Promotes the production of collagen, which in turn has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. And this is the obvious benefit of barley coffee for women.
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4 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert

But most importantly, scientists have not yet found a single flaw in the drink.


  • Not for people who have gluten intolerance.

Chicory Coffee

A harmless alternative to natural coffee and tea. Therefore, even pregnant women can drink it.


  • Softly tones.
  • Exhibits antioxidant properties.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels.
  • Activates metabolism and promotes accelerated breakdown of fats.
  • Chicoric acid strengthens the immune system, while potassium and magnesium improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Ascorbic acid helps in the absorption of iron, which is the prevention of anemia.


  • Dilates blood vessels, so it can lower blood pressure.
  • The drink is not recommended for hypotensive patients and people with allergies to vitamin C, as well as for people suffering from some forms of gastritis, varicose veins and bronchial asthma.

Dandelion Root Coffee


  • The drink, having a choleretic property, improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Stimulates gastrointestinal motility.
  • It has a calming effect on the body.
  • It is an excellent tool for the prevention of anemia, atherosclerosis and its “companions” – coronary heart disease and hypertension.
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Pharmacy Expert


It is not recommended to drink coffee from dandelion roots:

  • for diabetes;
  • with reduced blood clotting;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the plant itself.

Acorn Coffee

Many people are skeptical about instant coffee, believing that anything is added there, but not natural grains. One of these substitutes they call acorns. However, this is not the worst option. Acorn coffee is gradually gaining popularity, and the fruits themselves are underestimated in culinary ingredients.


  • Reduces elevated blood glucose, so it is recommended for people with diabetes.
  • The drink improves heart function and fights arrhythmia.
  • Women can use it during their period as it reduces bleeding.
  • In men, coffee from acorns increases potency.
  • It is believed that such ersatz coffee exhibits antitumor properties and prevents the malignancy of the pathological process.
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Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert


The potential harm of the drink is small, but provided that the raw materials for it were prepared correctly. That is, green and raw acorns should not be consumed, and they should be soaked before drying to reduce the content of quercetin.

Coffee with additives

Not every coffee lover loves exclusively black coffee without sugar. Most try to change the taste and add a variety of components to the drink.

Coffee with milk (with cream)


  • Coffee with milk has a more delicate taste and aroma.
  • The fat contained in it softens the irritating effect of acids on the gastric mucosa.
  • Milk weakens the properties of caffeine in relation to blood vessels, so that there is no sharp jump in blood pressure.


  • Milk is a high-calorie product and is difficult to digest in the body of an adult, what can we say about coffee with cream.
  • Such additives reduce the antioxidant properties of the drink.

Coffee with Lemon (Espresso Romano)


  • It has an unusual taste and pronounced tonic properties.
  • This combination is harmless for a healthy person and improves metabolic processes.
  • Moreover, ascorbic acid somewhat neutralizes the effect of caffeine, as a result of which it has a milder effect on the state of blood vessels.
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Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert


  • It is not recommended to use this drink for people with gastritis and ulcers, since both components – lemon and coffee – irritate the mucous membrane.

Cinnamon Coffee


  • Drink with fragrant spice strengthens the immune system.
  • Activates metabolic processes.
  • Promotes fat burning.
  • Improves digestion.


  • Cinnamon coffee should not be drunk during pregnancy. This can tone the uterus.
  • A warming drink won’t do you any good when the temperature is high.
  • If abused, liver and kidney problems may occur.

Coffee with cardamom


  • Coffee with cardamom differs not only in its original taste and invigorating effect.
  • Such a drink improves mood.
  • Possesses antioxidant properties
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Cardamom is able to regulate glucose levels and stimulates regeneration processes, and the zinc contained in the grains of the spice has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
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  • It is not recommended to drink coffee with cardamom during pregnancy and lactation.
  • People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Coffee with Cognac

Coffee with cognac – a recipe that came from France. This drink has few useful properties.


  • It can increase blood pressure.
  • Stimulate the brain.
  • Increase blood circulation.
  • Get rid of depression.

The combination of a strong alcoholic drink and caffeine is not the best for health.


  • Coffee constricts blood vessels, and cognac expands them. This will already have a negative impact on the state of both hypotensive and hypertensive patients.
  • Both components irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • In addition, such an “explosive” mixture can also hit the liver.

Coffee with honey

Thanks to honey, the drink acquires a special aroma and taste. This coffee has health benefits.



  • It tones the body.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Speeds up metabolic processes.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Exhibits antioxidant properties.

But in order to benefit from coffee with honey, you need to remember one rule: you can not put a sweet additive in a hot drink. High temperature will destroy most of the nutrients.

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Pharmacy Expert

A cocktail with honey has few contraindications. The main ones concern the coffee itself.


  • It should not be consumed with honey only by those who are allergic to bee products.

Coffee with ginger

Coffee with ginger is not in vain called the “royal” union.


  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Positive effect on women’s health.
  • Exhibits antitumor properties.
  • It helps fight colds and improves metabolism.


  • The main disadvantage of ginger is that, like coffee, it increases blood pressure.

Coffee with salt

  • Salt added to water before brewing coffee softens it, and the result is a brighter, richer aroma and an unusual aftertaste.
  • In hot countries, coffee with salt is drunk for a slightly different purpose. White crystals retain fluid in the body and thus prevent dehydration.

Coffee with sugar

Natural coffee helps to concentrate, and if it is consumed with sugar, then due to the combination of glucose and caffeine, there is a maximum activation of brain areas responsible for performing current tasks.

How much coffee can I drink

Scientists have proven that natural black coffee made from freshly ground beans strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the digestive tract, liver and cardiovascular system.


At the same time, the optimal amount of coffee per day is no more than 3 cups. Excessive consumption of an invigorating drink can provoke negative consequences.

When not to drink coffee

A natural drink can have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa and adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the main contraindications for drinking coffee, including with additives, are:

  • diseases of the digestive system (chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and other pathologies that are accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucosa);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart failure, arrhythmias, hypertension, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis).
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The tannins contained in coffee have a positive effect on the absorption of vitamins, but they can interfere with the absorption of trace elements, and primarily iron. Therefore, people with anemia are not recommended to drink a drink without the addition of milk, which neutralizes them.

Consequences of drinking coffee

  • Coffee is especially harmful to the stomach if you drink it on an empty stomach and without milk. And this often happens when a person rushes to work in the morning and does not have breakfast, as expected. Over time, this habit will certainly affect the condition of the mucosa. Her constant irritation can provoke the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Coffee also has a negative effect on the kidneys. Caffeine dilates the kidney vessels. It reduces the reabsorption of water and the electrolytes contained in it from the renal tubules into the bloodstream. Excessive consumption of coffee leads to a violation of the water and electrolyte balance, and the leaching of potassium from the body when drinking coffee will primarily affect the heart and blood vessels.
  • Coffee is good for the liver. It stimulates the production of bile, thereby improving the quality of digestion. The composition of the grains includes substances involved in lipid metabolism, resulting in a reduced risk of developing hepatosis – fatty degeneration of the liver.
  • Coffee and the pancreas are a powerful tandem in the prevention of diabetes. Studies have shown that caffeine stimulates the synthesis of adrenaline, which in turn accelerates the production of insulin. However, there is a downside to the coin – regular use of large doses can lead to depletion of pancreatic cells.

Harm coffee

A drink can bring not only pleasure, but also problems.

Harm coffee for men

In addition to the general negative aspects, excessive consumption of the drink can adversely affect potency. This is due to the fact that coffee in its composition contains active substances that are similar in structure to estrogen. And the more coffee a man drinks, the higher their level in his body will be. And they are testosterone antagonists, which as a result will lead to a decrease in male libido.


Harm coffee for women

Especially carefully it should be drunk during menopause, as it increases the risk of developing osteoporosis. In addition, excess estrogen also negatively affects the female body, as well as the male body. In particular, this leads to thinning of the endometrium in the uterus and subsequent problems with the implantation of the fetal egg.

Can pregnant women drink coffee

In this matter, all doctors are surprisingly unanimous. For the period of bearing a child, they advise to completely abandon the fragrant drink. After all, all the useful properties of coffee in this case turn into disadvantages:

  • an invigorating effect can cause tachycardia, lead to sleep disturbances and nervousness, and this is completely useless, because during the bearing of a child, a woman’s body already experiences increased stress;
  • in the early stages of pregnancy, the tonic property can play a cruel joke, bringing the uterus into tone, which is fraught with miscarriage;
  • The diuretic effect is no less dangerous, due to which calcium and other minerals necessary for the full formation of the fetus will be washed out of the woman’s body;
  • vasospasm provoked by coffee will impair blood circulation in the placenta, and this will disrupt the supply of oxygen and nutrients, resulting in hypoxia, and eventually fetal hypotrophy.

Instant coffee is also not desirable during pregnancy, just like natural coffee. The body of a woman does not need the harmful additives contained in it.

Can children have coffee

Doctors here are unanimous in their answer – natural grain coffee can only be used by children of senior school age – from 14-16 years old. It is not recommended to give earlier, and the reasons for this are quite understandable. The harm of coffee for children of primary and school age is obvious.

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The main active ingredient in the drink is caffeine. It has a pronounced effect on the nervous system. In young children, it is still fragile, therefore, even without it, it experiences excessive stress every day.

In adolescence, stress from hormonal changes is added to them, and drinking coffee will only aggravate the situation, forcing the nervous system and internal organs to work at the limit of their capabilities.

When is the best time to drink natural coffee

Coffee lovers are ready to use it almost around the clock. However, experts have their own opinion. The best time when a drink will bring not only pleasure, but also benefits is to drink coffee in the morning. And yet, you should not, waking up, immediately run to the kitchen. Let 1-2 hours pass after waking up.

It’s all because of cortisol.This “stress hormone” is produced at 8-9 o’clock in the morning, after which its synthesis is somewhat weakened. It forms protective reactions – increases heart rate, increases blood pressure, keeps blood vessels in good shape. But coffee has the same properties! Then why does the body need an extra load? It’s better to really wait and drink a cup of aromatic drink after 10 am, when the level of “stress hormone” will decrease somewhat.


Coffee is a drink loved by many. However, no matter how useful it may be, you should know the measure in its use. Otherwise, you can harm your health. And then you have to completely abandon it.

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