Tyrosine is an amino acid neurotransmitter

4 min read
Tyrosine is an amino acid neurotransmitter
Picture: Chernetskaya | Dreamstime

From the school chemistry course, it is known that proteins – the “building blocks” of our body – are a long chain of amino acids. One of them is the amino acid tyrosine, which belongs to neurotransmitters.

Thanks to it, a number of important chemical processes in the body occur. It starts the mechanism of protein synthesis and itself participates in this process. Refers to irreplaceable and can only come from outside. Consider the essence of the action of tyrosine and the importance for human health.

In the scientific literature, tyrosine has many names, but the most common amino acid is presented as propionic: L-tyrosine, D-tyrosine.

It is similar in structure to the amino acid phenylalanine. The general formula is C9H11NO3. The substance is part of most proteins that are found in the body. There is a technique in which tyrosine is used to detect proteins (Milon reaction).


In order for the amino acid tyrosine to be synthesized in the body, it must undergo a series of chemical transformations. Its construction occurs in the liver due to the presence of excess phenylalanine. The body produces the exchange of phenylalanine and tyrosine, getting rid of the excess of the first and increasing the amount of the second component. In order for tyrosine to become part of proteins, a number of enzymes work that carry out additional transformations.

Picture: Felipe Caparros Cruz | Dreamstime

Using the esterification reaction, tyrosine can be isolated from a protein hydrolyzate.

The synthesis of tyrosine is important not only for the construction of proteins, but also for the formation of hormones. It is the initial compound in the creation of dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are formed in the central nervous system and adrenal medulla. Thyroxine and triiodothyranine are synthesized from it: they are produced in the thyroid gland. Thanks to the work of enzymes, L-tyrosine is converted into the pigment melanin, which protects the body from the penetration of UV rays.

BCAA – branched chain amino acids
BCAA – branched chain amino acids
6 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert
Interesting fact: The body cannot synthesize the amino acid on its own, it must come from food. And its accumulation is impossible, therefore, it is necessary to regularly replenish the stocks of an important compound from the “grocery basket” or medicinal dietary supplements.

Benefits of Tyrosine

The tyrosine formula is converted into hormonal components that have a certain effect on the human condition:

  • improve mood and give rise to a sense of security and well-being;
  • increase the perception of information;
  • help to recover from stressful situations and anxiety;
  • improve attention and increase activity;
  • participate in building the body (protein synthesis);
  • L-tyrosine is needed in hypothyroidism for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • restores strength and increases physical endurance;
  • increases metabolism, due to which the body loses weight;
  • improves the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • partially relieves body detoxification (poisoning, slagging);
  • relieves the effects of PMS.
Arginine is a key element of nitrogen metabolism
Arginine is a key element of nitrogen metabolism
6 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert
Interesting fact: Proteins with tyrosine in their composition perform important functions: the creation of antibodies for immune defense, the construction of muscle fibers, the transmission of hereditary information.

The amino acid works in tandem with the thyroid gland, which speeds up or slows down metabolic processes, controlling body weight. It is a powerful antidepressant that regulates hormonal levels.

What foods contain tyrosine

Tyrosine is “responsible” not only for metabolic processes, but also for the mood of a person, so its presence in the “food set” is important.

Picture: Chernetskaya | Dreamstime

A varied diet will help to cope with the manifestation of fatigue, poor health and weak vitality, low body temperature and pressure, which is associated with a lack of essential amino acids.

In the menu you need to enter different types of meat and offal, add legumes and cereals, nuts, dairy products. The substance is also found in vegetables and fruits, but in small quantities.

Amino acids: role in the human body
Amino acids: role in the human body
5 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert

Sesame and peanuts, cheese, seafood will help relieve depression and return to an active, vigorous, adventurous life. Not only tyrosine, but also tryptophan, alanine, phenylalanine and other amino acids are needed for normal life.

But some of them the body synthesizes on its own, while others must come from outside. By diversifying your diet, you can fill the need for the necessary components without resorting to chemicals.

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