Bard is now Gemini – Google’s updated AI model

6 min read
Bard is now Gemini – Google’s updated AI model

The long-awaited Google Gemini has finally emerged from the shadows. Yes, you heard right! It’s no longer a rumor or a myth—Google’s Gemini AI model is here, and it’s causing quite a stir. Google Bard (Google’s artificial intelligence chatbot) has undergone a major upgrade with the introduction of the Gemini AI model.

This update greatly expanded Bard’s capabilities, making him more powerful and effective. In this article, we will tell you the 6 best ways to get the most out of Google Gemini.

In addition, we will give some tips that you can easily use for various examples. Let’s dive into the functionality and find out how you can make the most of this innovative AI model.

Introducing Google Gemini AI

Google Gemini isn’t just one model, it’s three revolutionary AI options: Gemini Pro, Gemini Ultra and Gemini Nano.
  • Gemini Pro. This model is designed to be deployed on the web and offers robust AI capabilities available starting today in Google Bard.
  • Gemini Ultra. Gemini Ultra is superior to GPT4 in every aspect. It is a high-performance AI model that has already scored an impressive 90% in MMLU (Massive Multi-Language Understanding).
  • Gemini Nano. The smaller option is designed to work efficiently even on mobile devices like the Google Pixel 8 Pro, ensuring accessibility for everyone.

The strength of Gemini is the superiority of GPT4 in all tests

Gemini Ultra has gained everyone’s attention by not only outperforming GPT4 but also excelling in various benchmarks.

  • Multimodal mastery. Unlike its predecessors, Gemini is natively a multimodal AI. It is not a patched combination of individual models, it is specifically designed to recognize text, images, audio and more from the very beginning.
  • Excellence in tests. From MMLU to image benchmarks, Gemini Ultra consistently outperforms GPT4, delivering superior performance in a variety of tasks such as reasoning, coding, language understanding, and more.
Google Gemini

Multimodal advantages of Gemini

One of Gemini’s key strengths is its inherent multimodal capabilities. By training it as a multimodal model from scratch, Google gave Gemini unique abilities:

  • argumentation, ability to reason. He has an uncanny ability to extract information from multiple documents, potentially revealing new scientific discoveries;
  • Advanced programming skills. Geminis demonstrate impressive programming abilities in multiple languages, surpassing even human judgment in some coding tasks;
  • Alpha Code 2. This model demonstrates outstanding results in competitive programming, outperforming a significant portion of human competitors.

Availability and limitations of Gemini AI

As amazing as Gemini is with its capabilities, there is one catch – it is not open source. To use Gemini’s full potential, users need to register with Google Cloud Platform, which may limit its reach.

Research capabilities and comparison of Gemini with ChatGPT

Gemini’s research capabilities are commendable, especially when comparing information search between Gemini and Chat GPT: they excel at research, but the sources they consult may differ. Gemini, for example, uses Google search, while ChatGPT uses Bing search to find information.
ChatGPT is a modern technology of human interaction with artificial intelligence
ChatGPT is a modern technology of human interaction with artificial intelligence
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Ratmir Belov

Both AI models provide valuable data, but inconsistencies in responses can occur from time to time. Testing different prompts (queries) can help you accurately gauge their effectiveness. For research problems, choosing an AI model that matches your information requirements is key to obtaining reliable and relevant results.

Email Copy Writing and Writing Styles

A study of AI’s ability to create email copy and writing styles reveals differences in tone and approach:

  • Gemini and ChatGPT demonstrate different writing styles. Gemini tends to be more promotional, while Chat GPT may offer a different tone by default;
  • Customized hints and instructions tailored to your preferences can influence the tone and style of responses generated by both AI models;
  • emphasizing the importance of avoiding overly promotional language can make a big difference in making your results more closely aligned with your writing preferences.

YouTube Vision and Expansion

Gemini’s integration with YouTube and extensions opens up various possibilities for extracting information:

  • Gemini’s ability to access YouTube content and provide short descriptions or specific details from videos provides a convenient experience for users and saves them time;
  • ensure that the YouTube extension is enabled in Gemini for seamless access and interaction with video content;
  • Learn YouTube video tips to get the most out of Gemini’s video analysis capabilities.
Google Gemini

Email analysis and Google Drive integration

Gemini integration with Gmail and Google Drive opens up opportunities for email analysis and document access:

  • Using the Google Workspace extension from Gemini allows you to analyze your email, including the ability to retrieve the latest emails and highlight urgent ones;
  • Gemini’s access to Google Drive allows you to perform tasks such as summarizing recent documents or accessing specific files based on suggestions;
  • The ability to extract information from emails and documents makes it easy to extract important data directly from the Gemini interface.

Image analysis and data extraction

Using Gemini’s image loading and AI capabilities improves data retrieval and presentation:

  • Loading images into Gemini allows you to perform artificial intelligence analysis and extract information presented in tables or other formats;
  • Gemini’s ability to convert image data into readable formats and export to Google Sheets makes it easy to organize and edit data;
  • Explore the ability to extract information from images and transform it into structured data for various applications. Overview and Use Cases Overview and Use Cases
8 min read
Ratmir Belov

Sharing and public links

Gemini’s ability to create public links for sharing information facilitates collaboration and dissemination of results:

  • Creating public links with Gemini makes it easy to share research, conversations, or results with colleagues or across platforms;
  • The public linking feature makes it easy to share extracted data or conversations without compromising privacy and security;
  • Experiment with creating public links to effectively share specific information retrieved or discussed in the Gemini chat interface.

Improved audio features and conclusion

Gemini’s audio capabilities and constant updates improve the overall user experience:

  • Gemini audio features allow users to listen to responses, increasing accessibility and usability for people who prefer audio content;
  • Keep up to date with advances and new features in Gemini as Google continually expands its capabilities to provide users with a richer, more powerful AI experience.


Google Gemini is undoubtedly the largest artificial intelligence model in history. However, its limited availability may pose challenges to widespread adoption.

In conclusion, Google Gemini is Google’s most powerful model. It offers a variety of features and capabilities that greatly enhance tasks ranging from research and analysis to communication and content creation. Understanding how to optimally use Gemini’s features can greatly benefit users in a variety of areas.

Please note that Gemini performance may vary depending on query specifics, model updates, and your individual preferences. By experimenting with the prompts and exploring its functionality, you can effectively tailor your use of Gemini to your specific needs.
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