Neurochemistry for HR: 4 personality types, knowing which you will effectively manage employees

5 min read
Neurochemistry for HR: 4 personality types, knowing which you will effectively manage employees

Distributing areas of responsibility between employees so that each of them works as productively as possible is a real art. But every HR specialist or manager can master it. It is enough to understand the characteristics of the 4 personality types in accordance with the dominant neurochemical system of the brain.

Neurotransmitters in the service of HR

In the 2000s, the famous American anthropologist and researcher of human behavior Helen Fisher identified 4 personality types formed under the influence of various factors:

  • Researcher;
  • Builder;
  • Head;
  • Diplomat.

Each of them has its own temperament with a dominant neurochemical system of the brain (dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, estrogen). A special test was developed to determine a person’s personality type. It has a scientific basis: a number of studies have been specially conducted, including mandatory MRI of the subjects’ brains.

Helen Fisher used her theory in the area of ​​interpersonal relationships to help people build strong families. But it can also be successfully applied in the HR field, since it allows managers to easily identify the strengths of each employee and effectively use them for the development of the company.

Dopamine personality type

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter of pleasure and success. People in whom this hormone predominates strive to fully express themselves and reach the top. Their life is full of bright colors and resembles a kaleidoscope of events, and emotions change like heights on a roller coaster.

They are adventurers in spirit and make excellent entrepreneurs, activists and workaholics. But they only do what they like, they hate routine, patterns and rules and look for novelty in everything.

For this reason, people with a dopamine personality type cannot remain employed for long. They are able to open their own business, create a brand, become a successful blogger or teach and still earn a lot of money.

But these achievers also have their disadvantages. Dopamine specialists often work tirelessly seven days a week, looking for quick techniques to achieve results, and not always in a positive way. They are very dependent on other people’s opinions and often fall into impostor syndrome.

To enjoy the profession and become a master of their craft, it is important for such people to work for themselves and have complete freedom, regardless of the surrounding situation. At the same time, they need to get out of the 24/7 schedule and find a balance between business and personal life.

Serotonin personality type

Serotonin is the hormone of happiness. For people of this type, it is important to follow the rules, follow instructions, and not argue with colleagues and superiors. For their internal harmony, it is necessary that everything be “sorted out” and completed on time.

As a rule, these are line employees who take on routine tasks with pleasure, because they see them as synonymous with peace of mind. They are afraid to discover something new, so serotonin personalities prefer to serve faithfully in one place for decades, even if something does not suit them, than to look for another place of work.

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Such people are indecisive, do not want to take risks, so they move towards their goals slowly. They do not like to attract attention to themselves, but at the same time they are very worried about what people will think of them.

A serotonin specialist can perfectly realize his potential in hiring if the company has clear regulations and rules, a transparent payment system, and everything necessary for work. Such a person greatly values ​​stability and is ready to give it to his clients. He can become a leading specialist in his field, a mentor for young people, and even open his own business if there is a clear plan. But you shouldn’t demand creativity from him in emergency situations: such tasks can knock him out of his usual rut and cause a serious psychological blow.

Testosterone personality type

Testosterone is a male hormone, so individuals of this type are courageous, do not like to show their feelings, and have strong analytical abilities. These are excellent leaders who see a goal and confidently move towards it, demand from themselves and others, and know how to build strategies.
4 personality types

The testosterone personality type will always create competition around itself. If there is no competition with other employees, he will compete with them verbally, or by performing actions that show his superiority. If such a person reaches the “ceiling” in the company and has no one to compete with, then he creates competition with the owner of the company.

Specialists belonging to the testosterone type quickly grow in a team, become good craftsmen, perform their work technically competently, excellent managers, directors, leading technologists, and mentors for young specialists.

A person with a testosterone personality type knows how to get out of any situation correctly, earn good money in a free schedule, and be in demand among clients.

Estrogen personality type

These people are in maximum contact with themselves. They are excellent speakers, have a good sense of those around them, have developed communication skills, and love to show emotions. They do not tolerate conflicts, have developed intuition and are flexible to change.
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Estrogenic people are people with very weak logic and lack of system. They cannot be entrusted with working with accurate data, plates, etc. They are effective in communications, but are completely lost in all issues related to systems.

Due to the need to communicate with people, he can serve a VIP audience, be in demand among premium clients, while working for himself or growing in hiring. If he has high dopamine, he will become a popular blogger, an expert. With high serotonin, he can easily become a high-class specialist, who can only be reached through friends or by appointment.

Knowledge of personality types based on neurochemical principles allows you to effectively manage a team. By highlighting the strengths of employees, the manager can competently distribute tasks between them, which together will produce maximum results and lead the business to success.
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