Generation X: key characteristics and role in society

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Generation X: key characteristics and role in society

In sociology, there is a scientific theory of dividing people into categories according to the periods of their birth years. Based on it, the following groups were identified: baby boomers, X, Y (millennials) and Z (zoomers).

At the same time, generation X is the smallest among them. It is also called “balancing” or “lost”. This is one of the most influential and interesting historical generations.

It unites people born between 1965 and 1980, who have certain character traits and personal qualities that were formed under the influence of various factors.

What is “Generation X”?

The term “Generation X” was first used in 1964 by journalist Jane Deverson from the UK. While collecting material for his article about youth, he interviewed a large number of teenagers.
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The survey revealed a generation of young people who “disrespected the Queen, disrespected their own parents, slept with each other before marriage and preferred to remain in their own surname after marriage.”

However, this article was not published in the journal that commissioned it. Subsequently, Deverson used this research material in the book “Generation X”, jointly published with US journalist Charles Hamblett.

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In the 90s, writers Neil Howe and William Strauss published the bookGeneration 13, which listed the key events and circumstances that influenced the formation of the character and characteristics of representatives of Generation X.

Main features of generation X people:

  • Distrust of leadership and authority.
  • Indifference (political).
  • Decreased birth rate.
  • A large number of divorces.
  • The emergence of contraceptives and their availability.
  • Increasing the number of women in the manufacturing sector.
  • The end of the Cold War.
  • Increased requirements for intellectual abilities.
  • Environmental problems.
  • Serious disagreements in the educational system and a decrease in its investment.
  • The emergence of the Internet.

The concept of “Generation X” is used in social and demographic sciences, culture, and marketing. At the same time, the border periods of births of all generation groups often shift by several years depending on the characteristics of specific regions.

Generation X – main characteristics

Generation Xers were raised in an era of social change, economic instability and rapid technological development.
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Many of them are eyewitnesses to a number of important events, for example, the end of the communist era, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and revolutionary technological progress associated with the advent of the Internet, mobile phones and computer technology.

These factors had a great impact on the world views, lifestyle and values ​​of people who grew up during these years.

Generation X has been able to have a significant impact on society, making a tangible contribution to economic and cultural development, as well as the sphere of high and digital technologies.

Today, many people in this category are at the very top of their careers. They are owners of prestigious businesses and are considered wealthy and self-sufficient.

They simultaneously combine completely opposite character traits, which is quite explainable by the contradictory historical events they witnessed.

Adaptation to the latest technologies

Generation X was raised in an era of rapid technological advancement and is the first generation to grow up with computers, cell phones and the Internet. At the same time, it caught a time when such innovations did not yet exist.
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This category of people had to independently adapt to the latest digital and computer devices. They are distinguished by technological literacy and the ability to effectively use modern information and communication technology.

Such representatives of society are active users of various online platforms, instant messengers and social networks for entertainment, work or communication. In addition, most of these people were involved in the development of digital and other intelligent technologies.

But at the same time, they are characterized by only partial dependence on them. They have successfully learned to use the Internet and computers, but they are also interested in direct communication and personal meetings.

Ambition at work

Representatives of Generation X are valuable employees for employers, primarily due to the presence of a colossal base of skills and many years of experience. They are distinguished by their constant desire to achieve their goals.
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Such people take on the most complex problems and learn quickly. They usually occupy senior or middle management positions in management, economics or law.

Main character traits:

  • Autonomy, independence and responsibility.
  • Rely only on your own personal experience and knowledge.
  • Readiness for change.
  • Pragmatism and freedom of thought.

Independence and autonomy

One ​​of the main features of this group of people is considered to be independence and independence, formed in them during the years of social and economic instability. They grew up at a time when their parents could not give them proper attention, since they were at work almost all day long.
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For this reason, most of the representatives of generation X have been accustomed since childhood to independence and adaptation to various life situations.

They are ready to make responsible decisions without relying on the help of other people. They have a clearly expressed desire for independence in absolutely all areas of life – personal relationships, finances and work.

Critical thinking and skepticism

People of this generation are characterized by critical and skeptical thinking. They do not accept generally accepted traditions and authorities. It is important for them to independently analyze, investigate the reliability of information and understand in detail a specific situation.

Representatives of this category of people do not take everything on faith. They are independent thinkers and prefer to ask questions before making a decision with their own alternative point of view.

Balance between personal life and work

It is worth noting that this generation is the first who had to face certain difficulties in combining family and work. Its representatives had to solve problems associated with increased demands in the workplace and at the same time try to devote as much time as possible to their own interests and family.

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This helped them in seeking a certain balance between personal life and work, as well as effectively using and valuing their free time.

Such people strive to achieve career growth at work, but at the same time they try to take into account their preferences and not sacrifice personal relationships. They are able to rationally plan their own time, harmoniously distributing it between family, work and friends.

Fast adaptation

Sociologists classify Generation X as hybrid people. They perfectly remember a period of time without the presence of various gadgets and computers in their lives.

These representatives of society successfully and quickly adapted to the fast pace of life and were able to quickly learn to use the latest technologies, most of which were developed by them.

The mentality of these people is expressed in perfect tandem with the Internet and modern technology. They prefer to introduce progressive techniques at work, which is reflected in their career growth and high income.

Self-sufficiency and independence

Most of the representatives of Generation X began their working careers early. They are not afraid of difficulties. They always try to find a way out of any difficult situations.
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The main quality in professional activity is responsibility and freedom. People of this generation ignore any prohibitions; there are no authorities for them. They do not like to be bossed around at home or at work.

Self-sufficiency is a key trump card of Gen Xers that sets them apart from the rest of society.

Realism and pragmatism

Generation X is characterized by a realistic and pragmatic approach to life. Such people do not like to romanticize and idealize. They prefer specific practical solutions. Effective and realistic aspects in various areas of life are important to them.

Role in society

Representatives of Generation X differ in many fundamental features from other generations. They have invaluable experience, thanks to which they have a significant impact on society, including shaping its development.

Culture and social sphere

Generation Xers grew up in an era of significant changes in politics and the social sphere. They witnessed the expansion of the EU, as well as the collapse of the USSR. This contributed to their development of a diverse and more tolerant cosmopolitan worldview.

Such people have a great influence on the creation of new social norms and cultural trends. This is due to their unique characteristics, experiences and values.

Basic education

Most members of Generation X went to college, which did not prevent them from achieving high positions and taking leadership positions in the future. This is due to the thirst for knowledge and the desire to obtain it from all kinds of sources.

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The main feature of this category of people is an interest in new knowledge and self-improvement in personal and professional terms.

Work and career

Such people reach the top in their careers in various activities thanks to their technological literacy and awareness.

They rely only on their own strength, which helps them reach the top in their profession, but often interferes with their personal life.

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Generation X is characterized by the following opportunities at work:

  • Self-realization and stability.
  • Making management decisions.
  • Professional growth.
  • Adaptations in social networks.

The main task for such representatives of society is hard work to achieve the desired result.

Spiritual values

Generation X values ​​life in all its manifestations. This is due to the fact that its representatives grew up during a difficult period of time (the spread of AIDS and drug addiction).

Moreover, they may have completely different attitudes towards religion – some remain a convinced atheist, while others, on the contrary, are adherents of religious values.

This generation values ​​such qualities in other people as loyalty, friendship and trust. Its representatives are hyper-responsible – they are able to completely forget about themselves, showing concern for others.

Financial side

For Gen Xers, financial stability is important. They try to save money throughout their lives, but at the same time they are completely free to spend it if they want to purchase an expensive and high-quality item.

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According to statistics, many people in this category manage to save money even when paying off loans. Sociologists believe that representatives of the X generation are better off than millennials and baby boomers, as they have a higher consumer level.

Material assets

Money for representatives of generation X is a means of achieving goals and a guaranteed reserve for the future. However, they never put them as a priority – above love and career.

People of this generation have experienced a shortage of services, goods and products. Therefore, today they try to purchase clothes in fashion boutiques, buy prestigious brands of cars, and also live surrounded by maximum comfort and convenience.

But it is worth understanding that at the same time they are completely disinterested.

Family values

Most members of Generation X have experienced parental divorce in their lives. For this reason, they have a developed desire to create stable and strong family relationships.

Such people prefer absolute equality of both sexes and become ideal wives or husbands. Some of them managed to find their ideal, while others were left alone.

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They cope well with parental responsibilities in terms of the financial aspect. Their children study in prestigious educational institutions and are fully provided for everything.

For such people, the material basis is key. They try to financially support their children and parents for a long time, so they interact well with different generations.

In addition, these representatives of society strive to pass on their own spiritual values ​​and life beliefs to their children. They significantly influence the worldview about the role of parents in the family and society.

Generation X are bright individuals with a high degree of efficiency and responsibility. They are characterized by leadership qualities, independence, as well as the desire for a successful career and a prosperous family life.
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