Secrets of falling in love: how to master the art of falling in love

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Secrets of falling in love: how to master the art of falling in love

Let’s talk about falling in love. You probably know what it’s like when our heart starts beating faster and butterflies in our stomach when we think about that special person. But what if I told you that falling in love can be an internal state? This means that we can feel in love even if there is no one special around us.

In this article we will look at the secrets of falling in love and how we can learn to fall in love with ourselves and our life goals, and in fact with anything. Ready to learn more? Then keep reading!

When we talk about falling in love, we often think about how we feel in the presence of a certain person. But in fact, falling in love begins within ourselves. This means that we can feel in love even when there is no one special around.

Falling in love is an internal state. And what is inside us can be controlled. It does not depend on any external factors, people, etc.

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Mental states come first, then external manifestations. It seems to us that someone has appeared in our lives and that is why I feel in love. However, everything is exactly the opposite. You will be surprised, but first a feeling of falling in love appears within us, and only then an object appears for the projection of this state.

Moreover, this could be a person, or it could be ideas, goals, things, work and much more.

Research on this topic helps us understand that falling in love is not only about external relationships, but also about our inner world and emotional state.

So, the first thing we need to do to master the art of falling in love is to understand, accept, if you like, come to terms with the idea that falling in love is first inside, and only then we see it in the outside world.

This awareness alone will free up a huge amount of energy that goes into searching for external objects to fall in love with.

The second point on the path to inner love is understanding your own needs and desires. And here, of course, it’s easier said than done. A lot depends on your previous life experiences. Have you learned to understand well what you want, what you like, what you don’t like? If everything is fine with this, you will not have any difficulty in understanding these points. If not, then learn to ask yourself:

  • do I like it?
  • what do I like?

And don’t do anything, I repeat, nothing without emotional return. For example, taking an apple from the table, ask – do I really want it? It may sound strange, but with such questions you will learn to understand your needs, as well as rely on internal desires, which inevitably leads to an internal state of falling in love.

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The third point is self-care. You can’t escape this if you want to be in love. You must direct your courtship to yourself, the same way a man courtes a woman at the beginning of a relationship and the way a woman tries to please him. You start doing all this for yourself. Care, attention to yourself – this is what you should pay due attention to if you have neglected it until now. Gradually it will integrate into your life and become habitual.

And fourth, begin to feel peace. Look around you: what do you like? What familiar things have you not noticed for a long time?

Touch the furniture in the house, brew yourself some coffee and inhale the aroma, wrap yourself in a soft blanket, hug your children or another loved one. Bring back the tactile sensations of this world. Take control of your bodily sensations. Feeling helps you regain a sense of support and security, which in turn relieves anxiety. When there is no anxiety, it becomes much easier to feel in love.

In conclusion, I will say that for each person, Falling in love is something different. Imagine your state of love. How do you feel, what happens inside you when you are in love? Record this state and remember for at least 1 minute a day. You’ll soon find that you have more reasons to be in love in your life!
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Tatiana Chulyukova
Tatiana Chulyukova
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