Mobbing: a clinical psychologist talks about how to resist bullying

4 min read
Mobbing: a clinical psychologist talks about how to resist bullying

Mobbing is a serious problem in modern society. This is behavior that intentionally harms a person’s mental or physical health through systematic abuse, humiliation, or isolation.

Mobbing can occur in various groups and teams, but mostly its victims are company employees or students in educational institutions. Such behavior can manifest itself either on the part of an individual person or an organized group. In this case, mobbing most often begins with unfriendly jokes, humiliation or stigmatization of the victim, and gradually turns into more aggressive forms.

Mobbing is a form of bullying in a team. It represents not only dismissive behavior and an attempt to suppress another, but also a real violation of a person’s rights to normal working conditions or to receive decent pay. This phenomenon has many varieties, which can be both obvious and hidden.

It is important to understand that mobbing is not random conflicts or simple disputes, but long-term, systematic actions aimed at destroying personality and self-esteem. It can take many forms, including attacks, knowledgeable disclosures, isolation, intimidation and even violence.

Mobbing stages

The process of mobbing development can be divided into several stages:

  1. The first stage is preparation, when bullying begins to gain momentum. At this stage, numerous reasons for mobbing can be identified, including envy, the desire to control others, or even the personal problems of the bully himself. First, warning signs appear when the victim becomes the object of attention of the attacking group.
  2. The second stage is the emergence of bullying, when the victim has already clearly realized the situation and is trying to defend himself or seek help. Discrimination or exclusion then occurs when the victim is disadvantaged or ignored.
  3. In the third stage – crisis – mobbing takes its most extreme forms, causing serious negative effects on the mental and physical health of the victim. After this, violent activity intensifies, manifesting itself in the form of physical or verbal aggression.
  4. Finally, the stage of chronic mobbing is reached, when bullying becomes commonplace and often leads to serious consequences for the victim.

In which groups of people does mobbing develop?

Mobbing can occur in various groups and groups, but its victims are mainly employees of companies or students in educational institutions. Such behavior can manifest itself either on the part of an individual person or an organized group.

Teams or groups where mobbing most often occurs are places of work where there is strong competition and high levels of stress.

In this case, mobbing most often begins with unfriendly jokes, humiliation or stigmatization of the victim, and gradually turns into more aggressive forms.

Fighting mobbing

Resistance to mobbing is of paramount importance for maintaining psychological comfort and professional development. There are several ways to combat this phenomenon.

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  1. You need to realize that what is happening is mobbing, and not a personal failure.
  2. Keep calm: do not get into an argument with aggressors, maintain your dignity.
  3. Contact supervisors or your management. Create a supportive environment, both within and outside the team. This could be a team of sympathetic colleagues, management support, or even professional help from a psychologist.
  4. Document: Keep records of incidents that occur, including dates, times, locations and descriptions of events, types of mobbing manifestations.
  5. Gather evidence of bullying to have a basis for legal action. Collect objective data to inform the complaint or resolve the issue in the future.
  6. Keep yourself confident, this will give you the motivation to keep going.

Prevention and prophylaxis

Preventing and preventing mobbing is also important. Employers and educational institutions must create safe and supportive environments where mobbing will not be tolerated.

  1. It is necessary to study the personalities of candidates and employees, resorting to the help of specialists.
  2. Conduct classes or training on communication, conflict, sensitivity and empathy to raise awareness of the problem of mobbing and learn to recognize its signs.
  3. A zero-tolerance policy towards mobbing should also be developed and perpetrators should be severely punished.
  4. Carry out preventive measures aimed at developing tolerance and a respectful culture in the team.
  5. Lead by example. After all, a subordinate is often a reflection of the leader. Monitor behavior for timely prevention.
To summarize, I would like to note that understanding and resisting mobbing are integral components of successful work in a team or studying in an educational institution. The need to understand and set boundaries, create a supportive environment and prevent this phenomenon – all this will help create conditions for the normal functioning and development of all participants in society.
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